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NetConnect: Creating Your Own Networking Opportunities

Networking takes time. It takes patience. But boy, oh boy, can it pay off.

There’s a saying in the entertainment world that progress is “a marathon, not a sprint.”

There’s another in the business world: “It’s who you know, not what you know.”


Well, I think experience and skill go a long way to building a strong career, but it's true. The right connections CAN make all the difference to your success. It usually just takes time to make them.


Maybe I’m slower than the average bear, but it took me a little while to learn the value of networking. Perhaps it’s because in my 20s, I had a corporate mindset rather than an entrepreneurial one. Back then, career expectations were that you worked your way up the food chain at one, two, maybe three companies at most in your career, rather than jump around multiple employers or – gasp! – start your own venture. Networking, at my level anyways, mostly took place within your company's local division amongst your peer group.


Times have changed since then, and so have I. Like many others, I’ve become entrepreneurial, which is a good thing now that I’m a freelancer. Networking is essential … and quite fun at that. I love meeting people both virtually and at in-person events and it's how many of my friendships today started.


Take the initiative and start something wonderful. Who knows?
You might meet someone who will change your life.

There’s something to be said for taking a leadership position and making things happen.

Laura and Alex Doman's wedding photo. Laura smiles up at Alex as he slices the wedding cake.
You just never know where networking can lead you.

Networking is how I met my husband

In addition to networking, this slower than the average bear has also figured out that if you want opportunities, to just go out and create your own. That’s the mindset of the entrepreneur, which I've come to embrace, and actually, it’s how I met my husband. Way back when I first moved to Atlanta, I didn’t know anybody outside of the office. I’d been vegetarian a few years and become quite the vegetarian cook. I loved exploring farmers markets and trying new restaurants and thought that by creating a vegetarian club, I’d attract others interested in the same. Truth be told, I was especially hoping to meet some great guys who were open to vegetarian foods, as most (not surprisingly) were die-hard meat and potatoes types.


Well, sometimes the right person shows up right away and sometimes it takes a while. That’s the story of how I met Alex.


My club was going strong and I’d made friends with other single women and couples (some with kids) who joined in our potlucks. Then one day I received a call asking about the group from a guy who’d just moved to town and wanted to know more about it. I was struck by his gentle, friendly manner and, well, he just had a beautiful voice. I immediately liked him and invited him to our next get-together.


He never showed. Even after I added him to our mailing list and sent out monthly newsletters, he never came, though I never forgot his name.


Then, a few years later, after I’d begun traveling extensively for work and dropped the club as too much work, we met in person at an unrelated event. Sparks flew, especially when we instantly recognized each other’s names. I knew that night I’d met my future husband (he knew it, too). We married a little over a year later.


Networking pays off! So does patience and having the gumption to take risks. By the way, Alex wasn’t a vegetarian when we met, but he said he was drawn to the ad I’d placed about the club and felt he just had to call. (Who knows, maybe karma will be the subject of a future blog!) And yes, he loves vegetarian cooking, though now we’re pescatarian (fish).

Why wait for someone else to make it happen for you?

All of this is a long way of saying that great things happen when you grow your professional and social circles. You never know who you’re going to meet or who or what they’ll introduce you to. There’s also something to be said for taking a leadership position and making things happen.


I’m doing that now again, in a professional sense. A couple of years ago, I joined a local professional women’s networking organization called PROWIN. We have luncheons with guest speakers, happy hours, mastermind workshops, and social events. As happens when you start to show up a bit, you become more involved. When you become more involved, you take on a leadership position. When you take on a leadership position, you think of new and exciting events to host. (Kinda like the adult, professional version of “When You Give a Mouse a Cookie” children’s book, doesn’t it?!)


Thanks to the Grand Connection, a virtual networking organization I’m happy to be part of, I’ve learned that well-run virtual networking events can be tremendously valuable. I’ve met so many interesting, talented people all over the US and Canada and been a guest on many of their podcasts. So, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and with co-founder Susan Jarema’s tutelage, I’m spearheading a virtual networking event with a speaker for PROWIN, open to professional women worldwide.


NetConnect (thanks, ChatGPT, for helping me come up with the name!) is a 90 minute event featuring a dynamic speaker and three breakout sessions for attendees to freely network. Rochelle Lisner, founder of Dynamic Business Growth, is introducing the “power pitch,” how to introduce yourself and your business in a way that’s memorable, funny, and occasionally musical. She’s incredibly dynamic and if you’re tired of the same old elevator pitch concept, you just have to join us.

Which do you prefer?

  • In-person networking events

  • Virtual networking from the comfort of my own space

NetConnect will be held Thursday, October 17 from 4-5:30 pm EST. Register at; $10/member and $20/guest. Let me know if you have any questions! I’d love to see you there.


Happy networking!


Upcoming Events

NetConnect 2024

October 17, 4-5:30 pm EST


Want to learn more? Let's talk!

I'm Laura Doman, a voice & TV/film actor and video communications coach. As an actor, I create memorable characters that tell my client's stories well, from the friendly CEO to your sassy best gal pal dispensing real-world advice. As a coach, I help you become more comfortable and charismatic on camera in videos, presentations, and online appearances.

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