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How to Kill Your Self-Taped Auditions in One Easy Step

There's a right way to rehearse. And then there's the way to treat your creative spontaneity to a slow, painful death.

Trying to master something difficult? Wanting to create something special?

"Practice makes perfect."

Yeah, mom always said so. Work hard, exercise those mental, emotional, or artistic muscles and it'll all fall in place.

True for a lot of things, but as an artist ... you want to be careful. The last thing you want to do is over-practice something until you wring the life out of it. As an actor, that translates to rehearsing so much that you fall into the pattern of doing things just one way - and have a hard time breaking free of the muscle memory or vocal habits that you've drilled into yourself.

Practicing until you're "perfect" - whatever that means to you - is a surefire way of killing the very spontaneity and innate creativity that makes your performance stand out.

Perfectionistic thinking can lead to creative paralysis. Not so helpful to the auditioning actor.

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              Voice & On-Camera Actor
              Laura Doman is an Atlanta-based performer and business communications consultant. Conversational. Charismatic. Dynamic. Plus, just a little off-kilter. That's Laura - and so much more! Fast turnarounds with high-quality audio and always that extra touch of fun...
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