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Holiday Humor

The ideal holiday gift is good humor and an invitation to laugh

Did you know the Mayo Clinic says that you can find relief from stress through laughter? It's no joke. it seems that the very act of laughing enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.

Impressive. That just makes me glad to do my part today and every week with my MOMisms, humorous takes on life through the eyes (and arguably slightly warped brain) of everyone's favorite female, Mom. Or whoever stands in for her.

As a thank you to all my readers, I'm offering up four holiday-themed MOMisms. Two are for Christmas, one is for Hanukkah, and the last is for New Year's. I hope they make you smile and lift your spirits during this holiday season! Especially if it's also a stressful time for you, due to too much or too little family togetherness, overbearing work demands or a lack of work, or health or money issues of any sort.

"Laughter is the best medicine - unless you're diabetic, then insulin comes pretty high on the list." - Jasper Carrott

A couple of Christmas jollies

Concerned about running up the bills this month? You're not the only one!

Or maybe you're wondering if you've made the "nice" list (though "naughty" is much more fun).

Hanukkah Harry would be proud

A few tidbits about Hanukkah:

  1. Hanukkah starts on Christmas this year (2024). Not Christmas Eve. Christmas Day at sunset. Just about the latest I remember it ever beginning. This is because Hanukkah follows the lunar calendar, which wobbles all over the solar calendar. Fun fact: In a thousand years, despite its system of leap years, the holiday's going to end up in January because the Hebrew calendar year is simply about six minutes and 40 seconds too long. 

  2. Despite what some people think, Hanukkah is not "the Jewish Christmas." It's actually a minor holiday, commemorating the purification and rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the defeat of the Greek-Syrian army in 200 BC. Its close proximity to Christmas - especially this year! - has seen the gift-giving (which traditionally belongs to the holiday of Purim) cross over, but that's as close as it gets.

  1. Want to celebrate? Eat anything fried in oil! (It's the miracle of a one day's supply of oil to light the Temple's menorah somehow miraculously burning for eight days, just enough time to make new oil.) It's tradition to enjoy potato pancakes (called latkes) and donuts. Throw in some chocolate gelt (coins) and a dreidel, and you've got a party!

Here's to a strong start in the new year!

Party time! And once the hoopla subsides, it's time to think about over what worked and what didn't over the last year. Course corrections for work we call strategic planning. In real life, they're "resolutions" and I think theyre designed to be rather fleeting. What do you think?

Thanks for your support over this past year.
Best wishes to you and yours for a happy and healthy holiday season!

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I'm Laura Doman, a voice & TV/film actor and video communications coach. As an actor, I create memorable characters that tell my client's stories well, from the friendly CEO to your sassy best gal pal dispensing real-world advice. As a coach, I help you become more comfortable and charismatic on camera in videos, presentations, and online appearances.

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