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Is Your Marketing Truly Memorable?

Strategies for Effectively Using Humor

Quick! What’s your favorite commercial?

Me, I go for the funny ones. Dollar Shave Club, with the casually hilarious CEO making his rounds. The Direct TV series of ads telling us why we should get rid of cable, in the vein of the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” children’s books. And of course, the often uproarious commercials aired during the Super Bowl.

Funny ads and commercials stick with us because they’re entertaining and usually quite clever. And if they don’t have you rolling so much in the aisles that you forget which product they’re pitching, their return on investment shows up very nicely in their financial reports.

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Voice & On-Camera Actor
Laura Doman is an Atlanta-based performer and business communications consultant. Conversational. Charismatic. Dynamic. Plus, just a little off-kilter. That's Laura - and so much more! Fast turnarounds with high-quality audio and always that extra touch of fun...
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